
The Johannes Branch of the Fite Family

The The Last Will and Testament of Johannes(John) Fite, April 5, 1782.
In the Name of God, Amen.
I, Johannes(John) Fite of Oxford, in the County of Sussex and the State of New Jersey, being weak in body but of sound and perfect memory, Blessed be God, do make and publish this, my last will and Testament in manner following that is to say. And, First I recommend my mortal Soul to mercy of Almighty God, and my "Body" to the dust to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors, And my express will is that all my Just debts and funeral charges by fully paid by my Executors, herein after nominated and appointed in a Competent time after my decease.
First I will unto my "son" Peter Fite the sum of one English Crown in full of his birthright as being my Primogeniter or First Born, And also I Will unto my youngest son, Leonard, the sum of thirty pounds in gold or silver as it formerly used to pass before the present tax, over and above his proportion of the share of the Mill and Lot.
And also I Will unto my two sons John Fite and Leonard Fite my Lot of Land messuage and Mill situate in Oxford with all and every of appendages and advantages thereunto belonging to them or the survivor of them, their heirs and Assigns, they paying such legacies as herein after directed and I give unto my dear and loving wife, Catherine Elizabeth, the sum of one hundred pounds of gold or silver at the rate it passed before the commencement of the present tax, one good bed and furniture belonging thereto and her choice of the best mill cow and Tea equippage.
And also I Will unto my three daughters Vizt To Catherine, the wife of Johannes Tittman, Christina the wife of Lawrance Lamberson and to Mary the wife of Henry Rumfelt and their heirs all my stock of cattle, sheep, swine and all my household furniture of any denomination whatever not herein reserved for my wife and if any of my said daughters die leaving no issue, such share or portion shall be equally divided among the surviving sisters.
And it is my express Will that if any of my two sons John or Leonard happen to die without issue, that share of the Mill and Lot shall be given to the surviving brother or his heirs, which said legacies are to be paid by Executors to perform the trust hereby reposed them I do hereby give them or their Executors after them full and ample power to sell, convey, and a lien the said Lot, Mill and Messuage at any time after my decease they reasonably Judge expedite and Necessary but not without the consent of the Legatees, and their conveyance shall be valid to all intents and purposes in fee simple to the purchaser or purchasers.
And I do hereby publish this and none else, to be my last will and Testament hereby revokoking and making void all and every former will by me hereto made.
And I do make and ordain my dear wife Catherine Elizabeth Executrix and my son Peter Fite and Executor of this, my last will and Testament.
In Witness whereof I, the said Testator, John(Johannes) have to this, my last will and Testament, set my hand and seal, the fifth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty two, 1782.
John (Johannes) Fite as for his last will and Testament in the presence of us whoever present at the signing and sealing thereof and at his request subscribed our several names as witnesses thereto, Lawrence Lamberson, Brachia Lamberson, William Rea.
The foregoing will having been proved in the usual form before Hugh Hughes, Esq., Surrogate of Sussex County, on the 23rd day of June 1784 by William Rea, one of subscribing witnesses.